Nirasha Darusman (Indonesia)


Nirasha is an author with a personal calling — to help people dealing with grief as she’s experienced significant losses in her life. She co-founded in 2020, a support group specializing in grief. Nirasha then began the journey of building a community for people who suffered the loss of their loved ones, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. provides both online and offline support group meetings twice a month. In 2021, started its journey on social media (Instagram) with a mission to educate people on normalizing grief by sharing information through well-researched and data-based posts.

Nirasha’s commitment to serving the community evolved when she published her first book, Lost and Found in late 2021. The book tells a story about her grief journey of losing four members of her immediate family. Her book became the first grief-memoir book in Bahasa, Indonesia.

Nirasha is also a part of Impact Factory/PT, Indonesia Lebih Baik, an HR Consultant based in Jakarta, Indonesia. She’s worked with Impact Factory since 2016 and became a partner in 2020.

She is now working on her second book and it’s scheduled to publish mid 2024. Although writing has been her passion since an early age, teaching has been her lifework since early adulthood and that’s why she is dedicated to educating people about normalizing grief while creating a safe space for people to share, manage, and live alongside it.