The Art of Condolence: Learn how to best support people who are grieving


What to say to a friend, colleague, or family member who is experiencing the death of a loved one?

​Sometimes the fear of doing or saying the wrong thing prevents us from saying anything at all, leaving our loved ones even more isolated.

When that moment arrives and a friend, colleague, or family member is grieving a loss, we all want to reach out and help. We say a condolence we’ve heard others say, hug them, or keep silent and wait until our friend comes back to ‘normal’. That will be a long wait. Grief changes people. Grievers have been changed by their loss, we often have not been changed by their loss. This creates an invisible divide between our grieving friend and us.

But we can learn to bridge this divide.

Author and condolences coach, Dana Lacy Amarisa, distills the wisdom gained from three searing losses — plus 15 years of research — into a kind, clear path through the not-obvious process of helping a friend or colleague who is grieving.

This experiential workshop gives you the confidence to make a true difference in the life of someone who is grieving. In her insightful style, Amarisa shows us three simple steps to bridge the gap that often exists between what a grieving friend needs and what we know to say or do, and then how to avoid the four condolences that don’t help.

Once seen, now you have these skills for life! And you can use them to navigate many of life’s difficult but meaningful conversations.

Learn more about the event here.
